Casa Hogar de Cabo San Lucas
Provide a home and care for vulnerable children, between 4 to 18 years old and providing love, affection, values, support and the opportunity to have professional studies to become young adults of good for the society. At Casa Hogar, we strive to Educate and Elevate: Educate in academics, life skills, moral values, spiritual values and social values. Elevate to levels beyond the norm within our society.
Help as many children as possible in our community and the state of BCS, understanding the problem in order to expand our assistance to every child who is vulnerable.
Blue Miracle
Blue Miracle is an exciting, family-friendly movie loosely based on a Casa Hogar story from 2014. Far beyond our expectations, Blue Miracle has created significant awareness and sensitivity to the work of private Social Assistance Centers in Mexico, most of which, like ours, operate as charities without government funding. We are thankful for the outpouring of encouragement and charitable giving since its Netflix premier on May 27th, 2021.
Casa Hogar was featured in episode two of Rennervations, streaming now on Disney+. Join Jeremy Renner and his team as they create a special build to benefit the kids and teens of Casa Hogar and the Los Cabos community.